About the project
About us
Accueil » AENEAM – About us

Who we are : 

The project coordinator, the AIN is a private non-profit organization recognized as a technological centre; through its specialized knowledge in management and technology, it encourages collaboration and improvement. A technical expert in the energy, environmental and digital transformation, AIN applies PMP methodology for project management.

Your contact point : Irene Eslava Lecumberri

Nasuvinsa is a company owned by the Public Corporate Entity of Navarra and depends on the Government of Navarra. It provides technical and operational support to the regional Government in the implementation of its policies, including in the energy transition.

Your contact point : Sara Gutiérrez Alonso

Confindustria Brescia is an Italian entrepreneurial organization, member of the Confindustria system. It is the most important association of the industrial sector in the Province of Brescia, and was partner in the consortium of EE-Metal project.

Your contact point : Riccardo Monaci

The CSMT have strong skills in implementing energy- efficiency services in commercial and industrial sector high-value consultancy such as energy audits, energy management systems, energy consumption metering systems, implementation of energy conservation measures.

Your contact point : Gina Ambrosio

The Food Cluster of Southern Wielkopolska unites sector related companies that have their headquarters in Kalisz but also in Konin, Poznań, Środa Wielkopolska and Krotoszyn. Energy audits will take place at these companies.

Your contact point : Krzysztof Koszela 

AUiPE AG was founded in order to implement principles of sustainable development, to promote renewable energy sources, and to improve energy efficiency. It specialises in energy consulting and energy auditing. AUiPE AG also assists municipalities in the planning of their energy supply using local renewable energy resources.

Your contact point : Wiesław Sierant

The CRITT AGROALIMENTAIRE SUD is an expert in agri-food SMEs support in all technical issues, including energy management. It provides support through training, consultancy, and technology transfer, and has participated in several EU projects linked to environmental issues in the agrifood sector (AgroenvironMED, Synergia, Pefmed, Reinwaste, …).

Your contact point : Claire Combre

Innov’Alliance is a French competitiveness cluster, supporting green and technological transition through open innovation in agriculture and plant processing, in four major industrial sectors: food, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, aromas and fragrance. All actors in the cluster are representative of the whole plant-based value chain in each market.

Your contact point for France: Solen Webb

For more information about the project, consult our LinkedIn page

This webpage is part of the project N°101120618 / AENEAM which has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE program (2021-2027).

Co-funded by the European Union. The content of this webpage represents the views of the author only and his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.